The Role of Art in Times of Crisis: A Beacon of...
Art, in its many forms, has long served as a mirror of society, reflecting its deepest fears, hopes, and struggles. In times of crisis, it becomes more than just an...
The Role of Art in Times of Crisis: A Beacon of...
Art, in its many forms, has long served as a mirror of society, reflecting its deepest fears, hopes, and struggles. In times of crisis, it becomes more than just an...
Thoughts and Feelings on Painting Hope
For a long time now, I have been feeling a certain way when I paint; a mixture of relief, pleasure and something else that resembles meaningfulness. I paint whatever I...
Thoughts and Feelings on Painting Hope
For a long time now, I have been feeling a certain way when I paint; a mixture of relief, pleasure and something else that resembles meaningfulness. I paint whatever I...